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2021 NE Catawba Road, Port Clinton, OH 43452


By Sea


There are two entrances to West Harbor from Lake Erie:


The Gem Beach Channel is the northerly entrance; It is manmade and can run shallow in the fall. There is a bridge to Harbor Island that severely limits the heights of vessels that can use this entrance.  


After passing under the bridge, proceed south, past the Center Harbor Marker.


The second entrance to West Harbor is the "Natural Channel", which sits slightly South of Gem Beach Entrance, and to the North of East Harbor State Park Beach.The channel is maintained by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and has excellent depth, but be warned, the bottom runs up very quickly, and is extremely shallow in some areas, stay in the marked channel areas at all times. Proceed to the Center Harbor Marker and turn South.The facility location is located between channel markers 15/16 to the North, and 17/18 to the South. The Gas Dock is located on the North Pier. The 400 series docks are located on the North side of the North Pier, the 300 series and 200 series docks are located in the basin between the North and South Piers, and the docks are also located respectively.


By Land


Ohio State Route 2 is the primary East-West highway coming from the Toledo and Cleveland areas: Exit Route 2 at the Catawba Island, Put- In-Bay, State Route 53 North Exit. The ramp “feeds” directly onto 53 North. Proceed North on 53.


The Marina is 3.5 miles North of the exit, the entrance will be on your right-hand side (East); There is a sign there. Proceed down the marina entrance road, and after @1200’  you will enter the main marina area.

Boat Storage and Dockage: 419-797-6000   |   Service: 419-797-6000  |  Address: 2021 NE Catawba Road, Port Clinton, OH 43452

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